Thursday, January 31, 2013

[Photo +Trans] Park Jung Min - Twitter Updates

[Photo +Trans] Park Jung Min - Twitter Updates 

Trans By @xiaochu1004

RT @JungMin0403 : @jeomreah 다리가.... 너무길어..

Legs are... Very long...

RT @JungMin0403 제주도에서 점례랑 힘겨루기 하는중!! 난 나보고 '망!망!'짖으면서 꼬리흔드는게 나 좋다고,나 반갑다고 부르는 표현인 줄 알았는데, 자기가 서열 위라는 뜻이래요. 이놈스키!멍뭉이주제에~~!! 혼쭐을~!내가위다!!

Competing strength with JeomReah in Jeju Island!! she barked 'mung! Mung!' when she sees me while wagging her tail which means I thought it means that I like you, and I'm happy to see you, but it actually means I'm superior than u. On the subject of the doggy~~!! Means~! I'm superior!!

1 comment:

  1. I think JeomReahs ears are longer than her legs ^__^! hehehe!!!
